Tuesday, January 06, 2009


This is like when your choice is between crap and air. Not that you like the crap, but air just don’t do much for you.

So you know you just have to choose the crap part. And hope it don’t stink too bad. Yeah that really makes a difference.

Now the fun part is when you get to divide up and pick, which crap you want to deal with. There are so many kinds.

The types that bug you the most are the ones that are pure garbage. Those I try to avoid. And let me tell you that is not the kind I vote for.

But there are other kinds. Way too many. Those are the ones that come from the junk others make you do.

I’m talking like work. Oh some of the stuff is okay. You know the ordinary super hero kind of things that can even be fun at times.

Then there is the stuff we do as trash men. That ain’t bad either at times. I do get some satisfaction from getting rid of the junk.

But what really bugs me is when you end up with all those reports to fill out. Now that really stink.

And working for a place called STINK even more so. Yeah that is something that ads to the smell at times.

I do try to accept that is just part of the job. Sure gets hard a times though. So you just try and not think about it to much.

Yeah, that is the part I do best. We just try to get busy with other stuff. And then relax afterwards.

Course the big problem is that when they ask questions. That means having to talk to them.

And that I don’t like doing. Because they will always want info that I don’t want to explain.

See we got this way of doing stuff that works. Only some times their rules say we should do it differently.

Then you end up having to invent one kind of crap to deal with a different kind. Gets confusing and boring.

So that is just where we end up with a few fibs for air freshener.


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