Thursday, January 01, 2009


Now I’m not sure what is the joy in this thing. I hear that this is something people do when they really, really like something.

What all it involves I can’t say. Perhaps something good. I hope so. Better to get excited about life.

I should say get excited in a good way. I mean that Reverend Anable gets excited, but he always seems mad.

That is being excited but not cool to me. Yeah, that isn’t quite the kind of thing that makes me want to be that way.

Not that I wish to join that group. Nope they can keep that for themselves. I do reckon they have some special club.

A place to meet that is cool also. Hmmm, I could like that if they had lots of refreshments.

I wonder what is consider zealot food? I got no idea. Bet it is something good. I assume it includes sugar.

Yeah, couldn’t imagine it could be very exciting if you didn’t have some decent grub to munch on. Unless you are really weird.

I know a few like that. Really strange dudes. But I reckon that everyone has to be something.

Now what I’m trying to figure out is do these people charge for joining their group? And if so do they make you do stupid stuff to get in?

Well if they love acting different makes sense. Gosh I hope they don’t like you know mess up food in the process.

And I imagine that will not help. Nope I don’t think it will be cool at all. I wouldn’t want to join their group.

Course I have to admit I haven’t seen anywhere they do this. Nope if they have this club out there they don’t brag about it.

I reckon that is quite a big deal. Something they keep secret. Like it is a private club. Maybe that is a good idea.

As long as they don’t start bugging us about it. Yeah, that is one thing I don’t like. But then at least they are yelling at me.

Always a better deal providing they don’t steal my jelly beans.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: "Are sailboats cheaper because they are a sale?"


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