Thursday, January 01, 2009


Now this is more than none. That much we know. And that is cool when it the more than none is enough.

That is the really amazing part. I mean you get this little and you figure it ain’t enough for much.

But then like wow, it ends up being a lot. Which is pretty darn incredible. Never figure out how that works.

Normally that is where my buddy Otis helps out. He is so cool on that stuff. I’ll be sitting and looking at some stuff and no way it will work.

And every time he will surprise me. Man that is sure something great. In any case what I don’t like is when STINK does it.

I don’t get it, but they can make barely end up not at all. And you can be sure that won’t work for me.

Oh they will ramble about how it is a good thing. How this little is going to work only it never does.

Yeah, that happens a lot. It is like they are looking a junk through some pair of glasses that makes it look bigger.

Only it never works out that way for us. Really frosts my cookies when that happens. Because they never say the messed up.

Now that is the part with the griminals, which is not cool. They never seem to have any barely.

Nope they always get too much. Filth ain’t in short supply. Nope, no way they give us a break on that aspect.

Now that is the part that I wish I could change. And it means making a difference. Well that is what Otis calls it.

Which as far as I can tell comes down to something where it all counts as long as it comes out okay.

Only that don’t happen all the time. Just enough to be confusing. And that really don’t work for me.

But we are going to fix it. Not sure how yet. I bet we can take that barely and make it even better.

Or at least where it will make sense.


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