Saturday, January 03, 2009


Now this is different than the zealot deal. It is something you like have at times for junk. A real important deal.

You know something that makes you get off your butt and work hard. Yeah, that is important.

Now providing it ain’t because some other person as the zeal and is bitching at you. Man does that suck.

I sure am no cool on this thing when the zeal is like insane. Like when you got some maniac that wants to wake you up early on a Saturday morning.

Oh yeah that sucks big time. Like I get up early the rest of the week so cut me some slack on that part.

I suppose that I could find a way to cope if they showed me how that helped. I don’t mind having zeal if you don’t need to act whacky.

Nut and nutty are not my idea of being cool. Okay I like nuts at times. They are good on hot fudge sundaes.

And eating them out of some can is good too. But let’s face it. We don’t need them to drive us insane in the process.

Nope I don’t see that as good. And I sure hope others don’t either. Really that will not work for me.

Now what I am working on is finding a zeal warning kit. Yeah some kind of alarm to warn me when an idiot is about to get dumb and stupid.

We just need to be protected from such types. Yeah, that is the part that I will always look to be a good choice.

But you know I just can’t say it will be that way for others. Some just aint going to cooperate.

So I do have to resort to my bat for them types. Yeah, they really do know how to be other than helpful so they need it.

And nothing solves problems like a good bashing. Well to me. Maybe I will just let this be my idea of zeal.

All I have to do is convince my buddy Otis that it is good. Yeah that is going to take some work.

He really don’t see that as zeal and so I need a good story. Hmm, I’ll work on that.


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