Monday, January 12, 2009


Now this is suppose to be a good thing. Some deal that you really, really like and wouldn’t hate in any way.

Only who defines the excellent part? That is one thing I sure would like to know. Seems like somebody is in charge of it.

And if they are they sure don’t advertise where. Do they have like an office? Do they issue some kind of awards?

All I know is I heard this dude at a restaurant mention this once. Yeah, that was one thing that seems odd.

See he worked there. Once those dudes who takes your meal orders then goes in back to cook it.

Comes back later with your food. Then give you the bill. Imagine he like has to spend some time washing dishes.

Anyway Otis took me to this fancy restaurant once. You know like where you have to wear a tie.

And that hardly is an excellent choice to me. I hardly enjoy the food better while wearing some tie.

Well after Otis put in his order, which was for something on this menu written in French, the dude said, excellent choice.

Wonder if he like said that about everything? Have to wonder. I mean seems like he was paid to say that.

Maybe says it to everyone. Only he didn’t say it to me. All I did was ask for some ketchup.

And he sure didn’t say excellent choice to me. But then Otis was paying the bill. So I reckon he was sucking up to him for a big tip.

Oh well, that isn’t surprising. You know I do figure the guy worked hard what with cooking and doing dishes.

And if saying that made it better fine. Frankly after I said the food he brought Otis, I don’t think it was excellent.

Had some snails in it. Otis didn’t complain. Guess he didn’t want to hurt his feelings. But then still didn’t look excellent.

Maybe I will figure it out when the time comes, as in next week when we go there again.


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