Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I’m talking weird. The strange stuff that is really out there. Makes you wondering if there is like some nut going crazy.

No that is not when you get all excited and happy. Now perhaps there is a happy in this I can’t figure out.

Something that really makes sense. Only nobody bother to tell me. You know like there is some kind of goofy spell working.

I think it is an infection of some kind. You know as in somebody gets a cut or other injury and it rots their brain.

Yeah then the move around and others catch it. Boy then it gets crazy. Like nobody can handle it.

Does this actually improve life? Not that I can tell. Only solution is you have to like stop this when it first happens.

Now that is the only way to make this deal come to an end. You just can’t let them get out of control.

There is where Otis and I disagree. I believe in helping these people before they get worse.

Which there is only one way to do that. I like to bash them for shock treatment. Can you belief Otis says that is a bad idea?

Yeah, he can be so funny about such things. Same kind of funny I guess. Only he don’t get weird about it.

Now the thing is I just try to not bother him with this. Yeah, it is better that way. No questions to answer.

Unless I have another one of those funny things happen. That is when I guess my brain gets infected.

And I well kind of forget and bash a person just because. Hey, never hurts to play it safe. Yeah that is good.

Only hard to get Otis to always understand that part. So you just have to work around him.

That can be tricky. He can you know really pay attention when I figure he isn’t. So we just try to not talk about it.


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