Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Man oh man this is like the best thing ever. Stuff you get and don’t have to pay for. Only wish it was something you found all the time.

Now I have had this problem before. Where somebody says something is free only it really ain’t.

That’s a pretty crappy lie. You can make up all kinds of crap, but free that ain’t free really sucks.

Like them buy one and get one free. That is simple enough. But what if you really only want the free part?

How come we can’t find that? I mean they give it free, but then with all those darn rules. That is so lame.

It is one thing I have learned. Yeah you need this deal where you know you have so much hope in something being cool.

You get all set to figure it is free and then even better. Then you get there and they got a bunch of rules.

Really I hate that part. I mean really they shouldn’t fool you like that to get your hopes up.

It is like these free trial offers. Now I guess that is a good thing if you are say some kind of dude who needs a free trial.

Personally I didn’t even know they charged you for being on trial. When did this happen? Nobody told me.

Oh well I guess it does make sense to somebody. Like so many things. And you know there will be lots of rules.

That is the way court is. Only they rules there can get you in big trouble. Because they don’t reward you for breaking them laws.

Now what I am doing I guess is being more careful on this whole free deal. Yeah that would be good.

Just something that I can enjoy without it getting complicated. Hate when that happens. Not fun at all.

But that is okay. I’m going to fix this my way. Yeah, with a big bat if I need. Might not be easy.

But then my bat will give a free bashing. So that counts.


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