Thursday, January 29, 2009


This is one of those consolation prizes I heard about. When what you want doesn’t happen.

So you end up with this deal of the next time thing. As in next time you’ll get a better prize.

Always with the next time joy. Oh it is something you can almost enjoy, but well not all the time.

I’m sorry, but I’m all set for some great and cool reward I don’t want a lame back up deal.

And telling me that it will be almost as good don’t cut it either. Well not to me. Nope I don’t like that at all.

But at least this doesn’t come up all the time. Nope that is not how it falls down. Or comes out.

So this comes up other than all the time. Which is really a good deal. Only would sure like to know who is in charge of this deal.

Must be somebody. Takes a brain to mess junk up this bad. Well at least as far as I can till it it like that.

But unless that happens when I want it, then don’t talk to me about next time. Nope I don’t need it.

So how we have to do this is be sure the person is telling it as it really is. Don’t raise my hopes with some lame options.

That won’t do. I know want any of those dang promises that never come true. You can keep them for yourselves.

Yeah, I can enjoy that part. Well like to think so. Only not sure exactly who to change this.

Hmmm, we could like add a few extra prizes. Yeah that would be cool. I could handle that.

But I reckon somebody will come along that makes it all worse. That is how these next time people are at times.

But see that is what we try to avoid. And you can be sure it ain’t going to improve any time soon.

So we just add some junk for prizes. Somewhere I hope.


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