Thursday, February 05, 2009


Okay who is this clown and what sick mind decides you got to stick your brother in some zoo? Is that crazy or what?

Well now I know brothers can be a pain. Some are you know. I don’t have any myself, but got lots of cousins.

And some of them ain’t that cool. You really do have to wonder about them. Yeah, I will tell that don’t make them my pals.

But even though they get weird I haven’t tried to haul their butts off to some zoo and leave them there. Not my idea of a way to treat them.

I won’t say that I might not think about it. I will admit that is thought, which might appeal in some ways.

But despite the time it seems cool I still have to like function. That is what Otis calls it. Which means putting up with crazy people.

Now that something I can appreciate, but really let me tell you no way I’m keen on the zoo deal. Mainly on account of what else might happen.

See this is where like you know if you did this they might come back and to it to you later. You might be sleeping one moment and wake up next to a lion.

Hope it isn’t during feeding time. Yeah I will pass on that option. Really ain’t cool at all. Well not to me.

Anyway, I am glad it don’t come up that often. That would not be a good thing. In fact I’ve been to the zoo a few times and haven’t seen any brothers there.

At least not in any cage. Hope that lion didn’t eat them. Sure not a fun thought. But that is okay as long as it isn’t me.

Got to be careful on that part. Yeah there are too many dang troublemakers out there that might pull this.

In any case I will be sure that it ain’t me. Yeah, that is not going to be what I look forward to.

Hope they have the rules on this posted somewhere. I mean so you don’t end up being drug of to some zoo by accident.

That could happen. Weird junk like that happens to often. And I will be sure I don’t get added to the number.

Not while I got some option.


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