Saturday, February 21, 2009


Oh yeah, that is something nobody wants to hear. I mean they sure ain’t to hear you say that.

But that is okay, yucky is yucky. And a fart stinks no matter how much you claim you are smiling.

There are just weird people out there. They would make you like crap. Because they are crazy.

Well they are too me. And I sure don’t want to end up being like those folks. Just too boring to me.

In any case this I sure don’t plan on being around when I got to fudge about this hate deal. Really that ain’t my style.

I guess that is up to the person. All I know it ain’t fun to fib. Not about the stuff that pisses you off.

Yeah lots of that crude going on and you have to wonder why. Where is the cool in that? I sure don’t see it.

Now what is extra dumb is all this stupid junk of faking it. Yeah now I do have to wonder.

I would rather go crazy. Just make it all whacky. Only way I can figure to be sure that I move on.

Which is to the ice cream parlor. Nothing better for being angry than some ice cream. Yep, love it.

And now I am going to move on to the hot fudge sundae help. They are always so cool. And the more I am angry the more I eat.

Sometimes I need four or five. Now that is really good. Yeah I sure love that part. Make being mad great.

Course I have to admit sometimes I fake the angry part to get the ice cream. Only that will never in any way be a bad deal.

Just can’t tell Otis that. I have to work on it. Because it takes practice to convince him I am mad when I’m not.

But sugar helps. Really makes all the difference in the world. Whether I get a full tummy or not.

Which is the best part.


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