Monday, March 09, 2009


Now this is sort of like average or normal. Only well kind of boring. You don’t get to vote on it.

Just put up with it. It ain’t exciting or thrilling. Just part of what you have to accept as life by somebody’s idea.

All I know is it ain’t fun. Yeah you know standard will not make things better. It will kind of bore you.

And if you are lucky you can avoid the times when it drives you nuts. Over at STINK we get standard a lot.

Which never seems to be a good deal. Because most of the time you just end up with something other than satisfying.

Basically standard for us means no extras. None of the good junk. I mean the cool accessories that make you happy.

Oh we get to use the regular grimefighting weapons. But without any pluses. They seem to run out of those a lot.

Yeah, all the nifty junk you like in grimefighting weapons just don’t seem to function all the time. Such a pain.

All I want is to have that nifty destructor wave no on the fritz. I mean just once I want to be able to point that deal at something and use it.

Oh I get to see it a few times. Even hold it. And was told might get to use it too. But dang it every time I want borrow it something happens.

They keep saying the parts are on order. Yeah like I believe that for some reason that batteries our out.

That really sucks. I mean I even offered to buy some. But they still said no. Claims it take some special kind.

Wish they had your know let me give it a shot. I had some great ideas for its use. Really I do.

Will make life so much easier. You don’t have to break down doors. You can go in and blast the whole building.

Yeah I have such great ideas. Sure wish they would trust me on that. I mean I could be so creative.

Just hard to convince some.


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