Thursday, March 19, 2009


I sure hate to hear this. Always comes right when you think you have all the facts in life. Only then some clown tosses this in there.

Yeah and sometimes I think they do it on purpose to piss you off. That sounds like the kind of thing you can expect.

But that is okay, I just learned these days to be extra careful. Yep, don’t let those darn dudes at work fool me.

Oh they tricked me plenty of times. Yeah I would be sitting there and letting them tell me how something worked and it would sound cool.

Then they would come up with this otherwise crap. Just to let me know later that this ain’t the prime stuff.

Yep, that is the part that really makes you less than happy. You sit there thinking this is so cool and then find out it is crap.

Well you know you get all excited thinking you got the best of whatever and it turns out to be some cheapo imitation. Yeah that ain’t cool.

Or they like make it so you find out that you were not the first choice for something. How you got the option because the person they liked wasn’t available.

This is suppose to make me happy? It sure don’t. Not in the least. Makes me a little pissed.

I don’t know if you are going to like make it sound good then don’t tell me it was intended for somebody else. That would really suck.

The thing is that you can’t trust these dudes. That is the part, which I will not see as okay and not going to like it either.

Those kinds really bug me. You can be sure I will not put up with that silliness if I don’t have to.

Man let me tell you that is never fun. And I sure wish these dudes would get that right. But sure don’t happen.

Oh well at least I got a tad smarter about it. Really don’t buy it like I once did. Well most of the time I learn.

Once and a while they manage to still fool me. Mainly when it deals with something like food.

Yeah still vulnerable to those condiment substitutes, but learning I think.


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