Friday, March 27, 2009


Sure so wish we had more of these. Times when we get a chance to fix some real bone head move.

Oh man would that be cool or what? Yeah talk about a good deal. Well only problem is that it doesn’t happen.

Well not enough. I mean really would be so cool if you could just have the time to like fix things.

Now the big chore is to do it in away nobody knows about it. I mean you don’t want any witnesses.

So the way we handle this is to take the time to figure a way to simply fix it with the easy method. One that could erase junk.

Yeah that would be the best part. A chance to like make it all better. I heard one of my teachers say that a lot.

But then you know she didn’t have the same idea with this as me. I mean with her it meant extra homework.

And let me tell you this sure did not come out as I wanted it. Nope not in any way. Just you know like other options.

I think the part I want is the no feel stupid afterwards. Yeah that would really not work for me.

So they way I figure is I need some special time of deal like the government has that always is able to make it better. They sure seem to do it a lot.

At last to me. Not sure it works that way for others. But when you deal with the government types it is great.

Well I don’t know just have to see I there is a way to make this something we all can do. I was thinking like a memory deal.

Only not sure how you get one. I know I am figuring it would be great to have one. Maybe they got one on the internet.

Yes that would be a good deal. Well at least to me. Hmmm, wonder I they have a site that offers it?

I don’t know, but sure would be fun to have it work that part. I really just imagine it could happen.

Not sure when though.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: "Does DVD stand for Don't Vocalized Dispute? Worked that way at rental store for me."


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