Thursday, March 26, 2009


Oh yeah you got to enjoy this. Have all of something is cool. Like a whole pie. I like that.

I was wondering though about that crazy stuff. Such as when they mention a whole chicken.

Do they like have a time when they are to tiny to be whole? Do they like fall apart for some reason?

I mean chickens are strange anyway. All that stuff of wearing feathers and clucking when they want.

And then spending time laying eggs. Which people eat. Do you realize where that egg was?

Well guess it doesn’t matter to some. And I guess eggs are used in a lot of stuff. Some of it even good.

Like in those deals called omelets. Yeah those can taste pretty darn good. Really are nice.

Well course I bury my in ketchup. Don’t like to take any chances. Might just be something in those eggs.

Just figure it is good to be safe in that regard. No way I want something in that egg that came from a chicken’s butt that I wouldn’t want to eat.

But you know it is very important. Yeah it is always important. Just need to be sure you don’t mess up on that one.

After all you just never can be too careful when it comes to junk like chicken butts. Not a good idea to ignore them.

See that is what the whole deal is about. Just don’t let them sneak that part in on you. Sure ain’t cool.

Now that is why I am like giving this whole deal a lot of thought. I mean are them whole chickens much different?

Really do feel it is important to know. Well it is for me. Maybe not others, but I think so and that is what counts.

Meanwhile I will just do what I can. And that will be same as always, Nice when you can do that.

Been trying even without a whole in my head.


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