Monday, March 30, 2009


I’ve been wondering about these. I mean why would anyone need to roll over steam? How do you even do it?

Maybe this is just me. I just don’t get it. I mean what did steam do to deserve to be clobbered?

Seems like a far question. You just can never say what would steam be thinking. I didn’t even know it had mind.

I guess it is dangerous and I didn’t know it. Yeah some things are sneaky that way. Really is creepy.

I always figure you know that steam was basically cool. Oh you see it like coming out of the gutter on cold days.

And maybe off some pot of boiling water. But shoot didn’t know it would end up causing any problems.

Guess you just can’t be too careful. I mean there is no way of knowing when it might just go nuts.

Well this is another of those deals where you just have to ask what is going on. Really did this happen on purpose?

Can’t help being concerned. Really I sure want to be aware if I have to worry about this. Just need a warning.

Maybe like they could figure a way to make tea pots take care of the problem. Yeah they always seem to have steam to whistle.

Now I guess there is a way to do this. Yeah some hardware store might know. They should know about such junk.

At least I would hope so. However you can’t say for sure. Just you know might be some secret.

Yeah it would be just like them jerks to figure a way to mess us all up on the thing. Definitely not cool.

Hmmm, maybe I could like sneak in there and check without them knowing. Yeah that would be nice.

I could fake it somehow. Maybe talk about boiling water or something. Then move on to the important stuff.

Hope those rollers aren’t too hard to spot.


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