Friday, April 03, 2009


I hear some dudes wrote a song by that name. But I bet they didn’t mention what the be was they were letting.

Now that is the part I really get tired of hearing about. All these people who leave you confused.

They toss some idea out and never say how it is suppose to work. And the whole time it is just some crazy joke.

This is one of those times I would like to see a law made. Yeah that would be cool. A no fooling law.

Make it like where the person gets in big trouble for making junk up when it really ain’t true. Well not for everything.

Just you know dumb stuff you just can’t stand. Junk they expect you to believe. That I would think would be a good idea.

Hmm, I wonder what would be a good punishment? I don’t know. Maybe staple their tongues to a door.

Now that would be very nice to see happen. Not sure anybody else would agree. However I reckon you can’t help it.

Gee I wish they would ask me on this stuff. Really I’m a writer so why couldn’t I like toss a few good deals out there?

Course I know how them other folks love to you know to hog all the credit for themselves. So no way they will bother to give somebody else ah try.

Personally I think it is some kind of you know trick. Well on me at least. The kind of deal where people just are not willing to let me show off.

See it is like when I spend time talking to these friends of mine. I will tell them all my great ideas.

Only problem is that they are so jealous they just never can handle my genius. Nope they will get all weird on me.

I think they get scare and tell others. Then before you know it somebody else is like saying let’s not give this guy a chance.

Yep, I know how that works. Really does suck. Now what I’m going to do here is fix it if I can.

Well going to think on it. Have to find the ones I can trust. Those who don’t get strange when I tell them my brilliance.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: "Can't way till my ship comes it. Hope it fits in the bathtub."


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