Thursday, December 18, 2008


Now you know sometimes I do wonder about if these are really are a good deal. I mean what all can you do with them? Not much beyond toast stuff.

I’m not saying that is all bad. Nope, it can be a good thing too. Well, sometimes I suppose.

Just wish they made them so they can do other junk. Not sure what all I would like. Just stuff that would be thrills.

You know like if they could have a radio in them. So you could do something fun while they were toasting.

Now it really does bugs me is how come these things you know take so long to toast too? I mean you can do lots of other stuff.

You have to stand there and just be bored. Can run away and do other stuff either. Might be able to if you had some voice on the thing.

Like it could say, toast is ready. Now that would be cool. Yeah, I could enjoy that. You could be off watching television.

I don’t mind you know if they make talking toasters. I think it would be cool. But we just don’t get that option.

Or how about one that say screams or shouts? Maybe has a siren. Yeah, that would be cool.

They just don’t offer those options. Makes me wonder if they toaster people are against us having fun.

Perhaps the bread people need to talk to them. Yeah, that would be a good idea. I could think that would be fun.

Only so far that hasn’t happen. Probably are just too busy. Yeah, has to be it. Most likely messing with the hot dog buns.

Those can be such a pain. Yep, I would figure they will never get them hot dog problems straightened out.

In any event I guess nobody is going to ask my vote. But maybe I could talk to them and help out.

Couldn’t hurt. Nope that would be such a good deal. I would love to tell them how to fix the toasters.

Well worth a try.


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