Monday, December 08, 2008


Oh yeah I love this. Those times we are out on patrol against the bad guys. A lot of them out there.

I just wish I could get them to like you know make it more spread out on their behavior. Not only do it in bunches.

I mean it seems like they all go crazy at the same time. I try not to let that get to me, but it sure does at times.

There are just too many that seem to think being whacko should happen at the same time. Like they have some type of schedule.

Yeah, that really sucks. It is okay when you have one or two, but then you get several and it is so darn frustrating.

I don’t try to let it get to me. But it does. Sort of like you have to pick and choose. You know figure out who first to bash.

This can be tricky. I mean some griminals are more inclined to be difficult than others. And that ain’t easy to always figure out.

Yea, I got to depend upon Otis for that part. He does this stuff called investigating. That is where he looks at the trash and figured out what kind of nut caused it.

Oh it is amazing to be sure. You just can’t imagine how incredible it is to have him look at crap and then deduce the type of creep we are looking for.

Heck that is the cool part. I find it so much fun when he turns out to be right. Which doesn’t happen all the time, but once and a while.

Oh I sure wish it was all the time. That would be so cool. But then the problem is sometimes his deducer seems to get busted.

Oh he never puts it that way. Nope I wish he did. Might be easier than some of those excuses he gives me.

That one about the moon temporarily blinding him was pretty funny. Especially with the fact that it was day time.

But then I guess it just makes the time go faster. And I could like that. Plus it is nice when he is right.

Happens almost enough times for Dr. Hemoglobin to almost forget when we mess up. Wish it was more than almost.

Maybe some day.


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