Friday, December 05, 2008


Well man do I love this. You get to savor those nice times when you get more of something and then more after that.

Sort of a surprise that gets better. So you really do get excited by it all. Yeah, just like and extra Christmas.

Now that is one thing I wish happen a lot. More Christmases. I could really get excited over that one.

I wonder if anyone has ever put that on their list to Santa Claus? I don’t know why not. I mean you are supposed to tell your wishes.

I don’t remember reading anywhere that he says you can’t do that. Maybe nobody ever asked.

Yep, I think I might give that a try. Not sure when for sure. Still to figure out how to fix things with that grocery store.

I was in there the other day and say this package of cookies that say it was new and improved with thirty per cent more ingredients. Well it sounded good.

But I don’t know it didn’t seem to be that way to me. I mean I opened them up there and didn’t see any difference.

Heck, I opened the first one and figured it was defective so opened up a lot more. Didn’t find the thirty per cent at all.

But you would have thought they would have appreciate my effort. But no they just got all upset over the cookies being everywhere.

People sure can be funny about such kinds of investigative reporting. Yep, I like that part.

Just hard to get them dudes to cooperative. They sure didn’t say thank you. And that really bugged me.

But since they sort of decided I ought to not drop by again, I didn’t get a chan ce to test the thing again. I haven’t given up though.

Nope, not as long as there are other grocery stores for me to visit. Just trying to remember the ones I can’t go to any longer is hard.

But I am thinking of making list. I might too if that stationary store let me back in so I could get another pen.

That what I guess for trying to check out boxes of pens with more on them.

Thought for the week: "What goes around, comes around, but hopefully it ain't the runs."


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