Sunday, December 21, 2008


Oh man nothing is better than this. Those times when things are like complete way past cool.

Now that is sure a challenge. I mean to be beyond cool is not accident. It can take a lot of effort.

Sometimes way more than we want to use. Yeah, you know like it is just too much hard work.

Kind of like when Otis and I are out after the bad guys. Oh yeah catching them is fantastic.

But if it is too much work we just you know kind of settle to take it easy a little. Oh we still want to catch them, just not tonight.

That is the part with fantastic. It is sort of right now. And normally unexpected. And then you do what you can to be sure you make it happen.

That is what Otis calls it. Those great deals where you just love doing something and know it is going to work out.

Just maybe only in a normal way. For it to be fantastic you got to have some really super junk.

I mean the type of thing you just are happy when it works out. And let me tell you that is the fun.

Now keeping tract of when it does can be tricky. Yeah that is never quite the same as we imagine.

I mean it all get so darn screwy. The times we just sit back and tell ourselves it was cool when it wasn’t.

Well that is alright. I mean we do manage to find the times when it does work. And let me tell I love those.

Just gets a tad difficult. Well for me at least. I mean there is the question of using my bat.

That is always fantastic. But then it is also a pain too. Only I just am doing what I can to make it all better.

Which even works at times. Just not all the time. So I have to work on that. That is what Otis calls fixing a screw up.
We even succeed at times.


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