Friday, December 19, 2008


You sure don’t have fun with this do you? Anyway you look at this it ain’t a good thing. Nope, not to me.

Now from what I can tell there are different kinds of awful. Yeah ain’t that the pits? One would be enough to me.

It is like you know, you can’t get enough of the sucky junk at times so you need extra. Like that works.

Oh well that ain’t my idea of a reason to celebrate. Nope I sure can’t say I like it at all. Just will be on my yuck list.

So you see there are the awful things that just happen. Things you just know are a pain that is from life in general.

Like when stuff breaks down. Oh yeah that is no fun. And it always seems to be junk that you really, really need.

Such as when the cable goes out right before some extra cool movie is about to on. Now that is a real pisser.

Yeah that is one type of awful that is extra bad. Just because you were there hoping to find a way to cope with some other kind of awful.

Such as for example having to deal with things like one old rat boy, Junior, pain in the butt. Talk about pains!

He knows all about how to make things awful. And I don’t think he has ever had a lesson. Just a natural at it.

Which is not a good thing. Well at least to anyone, but him. Yeah, I really will never understand how he thinks this is cool.

But then you know, he is weird anyway. Just can’t seem to get it that being a jerk ain’t a good thing.

Oh well I don’t figure it matter. Yeah, that sure is not cool from my view. Which is naturally not something he considers.

So that means it gets listed in my extra awful file. Because you know it ain’t going to improve.

And that makes it really suck. Yep, we all have to accept that reality. I keep saying it is so. Just not happy about it.
Still going to keep hoping it will get better. Just not sure when.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: "I want to know where the go signs are for all the stop ones."


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