Tuesday, October 07, 2008


Oh yeah, always want to know the why part. And at times more. The then some part. Like what comes next?

That can be so important with some junk. Like with those darn tv shows. The who dun it types.

They make it all a big deal about how somebody did something wrong. Then don't tell you who it is till the next show.

I hate when they do that part. You have to wait a whole week to find out if some crazy killer is lurking out there.

What if the dude comes around where you live? They never seem to think of that part. Really does suck.

I mean I want to be warned. I want to know in advance if some nut is running around loose waiting to attack.

They never seem to care about that. Just toss out that too be continued junk like it is no big deal.

You know the least they could do is show you the person's face. As in a warning. Yeah that would help.

What if the person is like an alien? They might have super powers or worse. They could soar down on your head with a spaceship and give you such a headache.

Oh man that is a bad deal. Nobody thinks of that part. Yeah, that is really a big deal. I wish they would warn you.

Or what if it is some zombie? You know they do hang out in movies a lot. And they are quiet buggers too.

They could be like in your closet and sneak out before you know it. That would be awful and so terrible.

Well I did try to talk about this to the television people. I called up the cable company to warn them to fix the problem.

Well they weren't much help. Nope they just put me on hold. I sure hope it wasn't because the zombies didn't get them.

Oh well they are doing the best they can I reckon. And I will figure a way to avoid them zombies.

Maybe stock up on jelly beans. Couldn't hurt.


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