Monday, October 06, 2008


Oh man this is awful. Such a terrible thing. I feel sorry for most people who suffer. Some are so cool.

Now if we are talking about something like say a griminal then no problem. Yeah, let them suffer.

But for others, forget it. I would be glad to help them so they didn't suffer. Just have to find the right cures.

And they never make them for the real problems. Like when you get an ice cream headache.

Where is the cure for that? I suppose they haven't invented one yet. And then there are the darn smarty pants that will say you don't have to eat ice cream.

I really don't appreciate that kind of comment. Yeah, like that helps any. Such people never worry about that part.

Now for me I want to be sure I get real help. See suffering deserves a pain killer not a brain buster.

Sure wish you could avoid those types. But they just seem to exist everywhere. Really are such a bad source of help.

They are those darn know-it-alls who want to tell you how to live life. Might be nice if they really did help.

But nooo, they just make things worse. And who needs that part? Not me that is for sure.

Course Otis always messes with my idea of how to make things better. Yeah, I hate that too.

See, for the wise guys, no big deal. You just whip out your old trusty bat and it takes care of the problem.

Well I found it helps. But some don't seem to feel that way. Guess it does lead them to suffering.

Which I guess is sort of the idea. Still I am not sure if I will get Otis to agree. He prefers to come up with other solutions.

I ain't sure that boring a person with some long conversation about no-no's is all that much suffering. Do see them yawn some.

I suppose is a form of suffering.


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