Monday, September 29, 2008


This sure isn't fun. Unless the bad news is like about griminals. In which case it is sort of good news.

Now the only problem is that you know I'm not sure I would prefer to not know bad news either. Well providing it is going to affect me.

I mean like if they world is going to end tomorrow then I might appreciate the heads up. So I can duck.

Been working on that part a lot too. Seems like the Reverend Analbe is always talking about the end of the world.

He is kind of vague on when though. Oh he keeps saying it is soon. But soon doesn't ever seem to come.

Sure gets tiring you know, sitting around and waiting for stuff to be wiped out and then it never happens. Just makes it kind of boring.

Now outside of that problem though there are other kinds of bad news you do have to think about. Like storms.

Haven't heard of good storms very much. Most don't seem to ever bring good luck. Might be nice if they did.

Well in any case, I just pretty much know that bad news is not cool. Wish it was like the kind of thing where you got vote on it.

You know say, well today I want only good news. Yeah that would be nice. Not sure when that will happen.

Maybe they could turn it into some kind of a law. Seems like they do that for everything else.

So why not with bad news. Or even figure a better way to fix the bad news into being good news.

Yeah, those guys who are good at fixing thing would nice to help with that problem. What we need to do is find somebody with the right tools.

Hmmm, I wonder what kind of tool you need. Guess that would be something to ask the news people.

You would think they would know. Not sure how, but I imagine they would somehow. Just might be good if they would.

I mean without fibbing about it. That wouldn't be cool.


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