Friday, September 26, 2008


I heard about these. They are those places you can call on the phone. They have these that are called psychic hot lines.

I guess this is where you call the psychic and she tells you were to find hot. I didn't even know it was lost.

And to be honest I can find hot easy all the time. So I wonder who this is a problem for? Really have too wonder.

I reckon it is a bigger problem that I would have thought. You know such a great option in terms of if you did have that problem.

Which I suppose can happen. You know if it is like winter and say your heater is broke. Then you need some help.

Not sure how that would work in the summer. You wouldn't have to work hard to find it none.

But then I don't imagine that is a big problem for some. Maybe they like have their air conditioners stuck on.

It can happen. Yeah, I bet it will really be a problem for some people. Not for me. But some others.

Well hope them people you know don't have trouble calling that hot line. Have no idea how busy they get.

Gee perhaps I ought to try and help them out. Yeah, I bet they would appreciate the thoughtfulness.

The only thing is I should be careful on the thoughtfulness deal. I mean when Otis uses that word he kind of means I messed up.

So perhaps I would be better off to just call it helping. Otis doesn't gripe too much when I use that word.

But then I might not even tell him. Yeah, it might be the best choice. He sort of can be funny on such stuff.

Hmmm, wonder how would be best for me to do that helping with the hot line thing? Maybe pass out some business cards.

Well don't have any, but can find them. Philo's hot line or hot might sound good. Yeah can tell them where the hot is no problem.

All I need to do is like maybe pass around our phone number and say get your hot here. That ought to do it.

Thought for the week: "Modesty is not bragging about being modest."


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