Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Do you like those dang to be continued things? Where you are stuck waiting till some later time to find out something?

Personally I hate them because they never end up being a good wait. Whatever it is never turns out to be as cool as you hope.

I think they just do this to drive you nuts. They just dangle it out there to give you the hope it will be a good deal.

I don't mind I guess. Just wish sometimes they would turn out to be a good deal. A reason to tell you that you aren't an idiot for waiting.

But this just ain't how it turns out most of the time. And I sure wish I could change that. Still working on figuring that part out.

Now my thinking is they ought to like have to tell you all the details up front. So you can decide if it is worth the wait.

Which is sort of the reason I think they make you wait. Just because if they told you all the facts up front you would say forget it.

Now you would figure with all the extra time they have to make you wait they could make it extra cool. Yeah that would be great.

Only I'm not sure it ever ends up that way. But I keep hoping. And I figure sooner or later there just has to be somebody out there with some cool.

You know who can honestly say that this wait will not suck. They won't make it all so dang boring.

I suppose you can expect a certain degree of interpretation. That is what they call it when they fib a lot.

Only they never call it fibbing. Instead they ramble and make it all seem okay. Which it never is.

But that is the part I'm hoping to change. Just still working out the way I will do it. Maybe I will try hurrying up the people a little.

Not sure if my bat will help, but I'm don't mind giving it a try. And let me tell you that is one thing I sure figure it a good option.

Course the one drawback is you know that when the person is unconscious you do end up having to wait. Which sort of defeat the whole point.

Have to work on a half bashing choice I guess.


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