Thursday, September 11, 2008


Well I heard about this the other day. Yeah, some guy was talking about being up a creek without a paddle.

Now I would have figured that he might have got a motor. They do make them for boats. Doesn't seem like it would have been a big deal.

Guess you know that wasn't easy to come by though. I can sort of appreciate that part. I mean cars kind of always have them, but not all of them.

Like them sailboats. Yeah, they don't necessarily have motors. But I reckon you sort of need you know to be sure you found some really strong wind.

Doubt you can order those either. Be nice if you could. Oh yeah I could love that. You know make it a deal you get with the boat.

Gosh I reckon some might be wondering if I was well getting all hook on boats after my last two postings what with anchors and all. Nope ain't that way.

Just was watching this movie about sailors and got to thinking. You know who that works.

Anyway, back to this paddle deal. You got to wonder if you ain't got a paddle and no motor why are you out on the water?

Did you swallow a stupid pill or something? Would sure hate to see that. Nope woudn't be cool at all.

Oh well I can live with not knowing. I mean boating junk ain't really my thing. Ever since I saw those shark movies I'm not too keen on being out in the water.

But you can be sure I won't go out there without a really big paddle. Want to make sure them dang sharks don't pull any funny stuff.

They can be pretty sneaky I reckon. And none of us needs that. Nope we don't want to mess with some shark pulling crap.

Which is important because I don't plan on changing either. Unless they make boats you use other than on the water.

Bet somebody has them. Wonder if they have paddles? Hmmm, that would be cool. I like that idea.

Can never have enough stuff for bashing. Yeah, one big thing to clobber with always makes any trip better.

Got to love it.


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