Thursday, September 04, 2008


Ah well stuff going away can be so cool. If you are talking crap. That part I like. But it ain't so good if you are talking about losing important stuff.

Now for example. Otis and I always buy a nice stock of snacks when we get our groceries.

My buddy loves to calculate it all out. You know figure it out so we know the amount we will have for each day.

Which can be kind of complicated. I mean you know we got night snacks to consider and also lunch snacks.

Then there are the other times like extra breakfast stuff. And he will do such a great job of putting it on a graph.

Looks so impressive. Well for a graph. Which can be good. But then somehow that sort of doesn't work for all the time.

We get to the point that you know we have the times when our stomachs sort of get a mind of their own. Then the graph gets to be kind of useless.

Yeah it in no way helps. Oh we try stuff like writing IOU's or borrowing tomorrow's snacks. To be sure we use them today.

Doesn't quite work for too many days though. Nope sometimes we just end up really having them all gone way too earlier.

Like see we buy groceries on Friday nights. And then they are supposed to last till the next Friday.

Well gets really tough when they are gone by say Monday. And let me tell you that sure ain't fun.

I mean them IOU's don't help with the munchies. Oh we try to hold out. You know like by say trying to do something such as eat fruit.

Yeah, I sure don't feel cool about those times. And that lasts until like Tuesday. Then it really sucks.

You sure don't have fun with that option. So we sure get desperate for something good. And Otis can sure get creative.

Man the times we get ourselves a chance to visit a place that has free donuts. You know some business that sets them out for the customers.

Trick is not to got to the same place too often. We learned that the hard way. the


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