Saturday, August 30, 2008


I sure wish this made more sense to me. I guess it is too much to ask I suppose. Just you know something where I can figure out why you need this for some things and not others.

Boy is that confusing. I mean some television need them because you see them on houses.

But some don't. What is up with that? Is there like some screwy law about this? Sure makes me wonder.

After all there have all kinds of weird laws out there. So I can imagine this might be the case.

Yeah it would be just like some stupid politician to do this. Make it sound like a good idea.

Only it sure don't seem that way to me. Nope, I figure it sure ain't a good thing. All that license stuff can be a pain.

Who needs some cop come over and beat on your door and demand to see your license. Sure sounds kind of scary.

So far I haven't heard of it happen. Yeah, but then I bet then do like to keep that kind of stuff a secret.

Not like they will you know make it a good thing if you look at it right. I can imagine going into some television store and buying some television.

Then having some cop show up out of nowhere and demand to see my license. Gosh it would be really terrible if he arrested you.

Guess they wouldn't even let you keep the television either. Man that would be even worst.

But sounds like the way they would work. Guess I'm glad I don't have to you know buy a new set.

Nope going to stick with the one we have already. Don't have to worry about any stupid antenna.

Is has this cable box. Really cool. Hmmm, hope the antenna police don't like decide to suddenly look at cable as needed a license too.

Man this could get really complicated. Yeah that sounds like something they would pull.

Oh well, I'll just not answer the door for now. Hope they don't come dressed as something else.


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