Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Well somebody sure went goofy on this one. Yeah, them orange things don't look like ice cream to me.

Plus they leave them upside down so they never can hold any ice cream. Kind of stupid from my point of view.

Some dummy must have thought it was a pretty good joke. Stick them things out there in case you felt you were having an ice cream crisis.

But you can't eat the things. They are too darn tough to eat. So who would think this was a good idea?

Got to be some weird people out there to do that. Yeah, you do have to wonder. I know I do.

Nice thing is that they didn't fool me. Yeah I didn't buy into it. Sure glad for that part. Whew, what a mistake that would be.

What I don't get is how this is supposed to work? I mean do you like bring you own ice cream or what?

Seems like somebody sure went wacky when doing this. I mean they didn't even bother to make them the same color as a real ice cream cone.

What made them think this was a way to do this? Heck they could at least have tried to make the real thing.

I will admit that they sure are big enough. Man that would be cool to fill one of them suckers up with ice cream.

I did even try to practice too. Yeah, took a few home to see if they would work. Thought it was a fair idea.

Kind of glad I did too. I mean I heard there was some terrible accident where those cones had been.

See somebody did end up driving past where the cones used to. Then they ended up going into a ditch.

Guess for them it was a real ice cream emergency. Gee you know, I reckon somebody ought to come up with warning signs for such things.

Well I reckon somebody else will have to take care of that part. Yeah, funny how people ignore important stuff.
Preferably before somebody gets hurt too.


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