Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Is this a fair question or not? Come on tell me you don't feel it is important to know this? I know I do.

Just you know hard to get some to appreciate it. Like those dumb jerks who come to your door to sell you something.

When you ask who is it, they always give you some stupid answer. As if they are some friend.

Only no friend tries to get you to buy the crap they are selling. Now that really sucks. Man and even worse when they wake you up.

Now I guess it is a good thing to have a can opener that sings. I mean such are fun I guess.

And it is nice they give you one hundred easy payments to pay for it. Just not sure I needed one that is all.

And then there was the dude who was selling what he called life insurance. But he didn't tell me how I got to use it unless I died.

Didn't sound my use for me as a living person. But he was very sure I would need it sooner or later.

And they are okay I reckon. Just still would prefer it they gave me some other options. Like a machine that makes jelly beans.

One of those would be great for me. Seems like at least one of those dudes with a handy dandy whatever could manage one.

But that is only part of the options. I just want something that will work more than once. I made the mistake of buying this one goodie that broke right away.

Was supposed to slice vegetables. I don't use them much, but figured having it was a good idea.

Wish they had told me that it wasn't cool to like try to slice vegetables in a can. Not a good to forget.

But you can be sure I didn't forget. Next time I will try it on fruit. I reckon those cans will cut easier.

Yeah, just so hard dealing with people who ain't good at explaining stuff. Kind of like that old saying, let the buyer be a flare.

And you might need one if you try cutting some can of corn with that darn slicer thing.


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