Saturday, August 09, 2008


Man this is one of my all time favorite foods. It ranks right up there with pizza, burgers, ice cream, tacos and well anything with grease.

Yep, would really be a shame if there was no fried chicken. Just wish I could the find out what is the big deal with them having to be fried in Kentucky.

Is there like some giant frying pan there that cooks them all at one time? Or do they have some other reason.

And it is like some kind of law? Well you know there are some crazy laws out there. Maybe it is a big deal that only that state is trust to fried chicken?

Well all I know is that I am glad it doesn't keep them from getting the kitchen to where I live. Otherwise I would really be worried.

And man it sure must be some really huge frying pan too. I mean heck there is that problem of them you know also having to put them into those TV dinners.

Boy that is not a job I would want to have. You know to stand in all that grease and stuff some box would be down right hot.

I wouldn't like it at all. Now I wonder if those dudes who do work there get a break on the cost of chicken?

Maybe they even get it for free. Oh wow talk about a cool option. Why I wonder if they can switch it for other foods too?

Wow, now that would really be great. You could swap a box of fried chicken for some burgers.

Who could complain about that? I know I wouldn't. I would be so happy to get the variety.

Course it probably has to do with foods that only have grease in them. Yeah, I doubt it would work for other stuff.

Hmmm, well donuts have grease so that would count. And I guess if you could like convince them to exchange donuts for chicken that would really be cool.

See I know this lady over at the candy store that loves fried chicken. But I can't make to Kentucky.

Now I could like get a job at a donut shop for a bit then I could like maybe swap a few donuts for chicken. Then take it to her and make a deal for some free jelly beans. Wow, now this sounds like a great plan to me.


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