Sunday, August 03, 2008


Now this it business kind of drives me nuts. I mean how come they can just say what the it is?

That sure would make it easy to fine this thing. It ain't a secret or they wouldn't even tell you.

But how are you suppose to find an it if you don't know what it looks like? That is the thing I want to know.

Only nobody seems to want to talk about that part. They just want to brag about the it side of this deal.

Like shouting I got it, I got it. Or I'll get it, but never say what the dang it is. YOU would think they could give you a break on that part.

That way you could like you know help them watch out for it next time. For those times when they talk about somebody losing it.

Just might be a decent deal if they could cut a person slack on that part. Really have to admit that bugs me.

So far though nobody seems to be concerned with that part. At least they don't stop talking about finding or losing it long enough to mention the it.

So you will excuse me if I ain't thrilled with these folks. I mean they make it sound like this is a big deal, but sure get vague about it.

Now I am still trying to figure the best way to sorting out this it deal. I'm sure with a little effort it could make sense.

All I ask is for them to give me a little help here. Sort of point me in the right direction. Is that too much to ask?

I can't say for sure. But then man I got to start with this somewhere. You know to sit back and just have them give me a clue.

Not all the details, but just enough to be sure that I can help out. I think that is reasonable.

All I want is them to admit it. To like make sure I can enjoy the time without any hassles. Can't see a problem with that.

Maybe while I'm at it, I will like to try and make a list of all the possible its. I think that would helpful.
And I will do that after I figure what isn't an it. No sense adding something to the list that don't fit.


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