Sunday, July 27, 2008


Okay I need to know if you use your left hand on this deal are you going to be in big trouble? Just seems like the left hand gets kind of snubbed in this deal.

So it means I guess if you are left handed you are out of luck. You can be right if you are only using your left?

Well I have to ask. Just makes me kind of sad for all the left handed folks. Like they can't win.

And that sure ain't far. So how do we fix this thing? Seems to me it can't be that hard. Something good has to happen if you do it left.

Which sort of is something that really sucks. Besides does doing it right mean it is always good?

Got to wonder about that one. Heck that would kind of imply that the lefties are not so cool.

And is that what we want to make them feel like? I sure don't. I think we need like more you know times where left is a good thing.

I mean we could like you know talk up how left handed turns can lead to somewhere fun. And how we enjoyed going there.

Now that would be a good start. And then perhaps do something about the roads. Yeah, they only let you drive on the right side.

Couldn't we do some kind of one way deal? Or more backing up. Now that would be a thoughtful deal.

Heck I bet with a little effort we could do all kinds of cool things involving the left. Yep, that would certainly help out I imagine.

I guess once that I get that taken care of the next deal would be to figure a way to cope with this up and down thing. That really bugs me too.

They make it sound like up is all good and down all bad. As in when you feel up you are happy and if you are down you feel like crap.

That seems unfair to basements. Ain't they got a right to be cool some time? Man I tell this whole direction thing needs a lot of work.

And maybe I can fix it eventually. For now I will just do little things to help. Maybe I can move a few one way signs to get the ball rolling.
I wonder how it would work on a freeway? Guess I will find otu.


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