Monday, July 21, 2008


How come you can't take a pill for this? I think that would be so cool. One little pill and you could like been steel with your lips.

But then they never quite seem to get around to the really cool super powers. Like you know what if you could say make people fart when you wanted them too?

See I wish the super hero types would check with me on that stuff. I mean they normally wear masks and all.

So nobody knows who they really are. So that ought to count for something. But don't seem that way to some.

Now maybe one of these days I will get a vote on it. Yeah I mean I am a super hero. Sort of more stuck on the hero part.

Don't have too much in the super part, other than if you count eating jelly beans. But those don't seem to count with some.

Now if it were up to me, man I would sure fix that problem. I would like set up some kind of super hero store.

A place you could become a super hero in training. Maybe issue licenses. Yeah that would be great.

And I wouldn't mind you know doing some teaching either. I could give beanie lessons. That would be nice.

I man there ain't nothing better than being sure you beanie fits right. Just have to be careful none of them gets the wrong idea.

Yeah, they can learn to use a beanie, but sure don't want them like expecting to ride in the garbage truck. That won't do for me.

I might agree to give them a spin on my scooter. Yeah, that would be okay I guess. As long as they didn't expect to drive.

Then it would be a problem. You know perhaps I should start by making a list. Dr. Hemoglobin always seems to start with those.

Not sure what the list has to do with super powers. Must be some kind of set of rules. Gosh I hope it isn't like the Ten Commandment thing Reverend Analbe talks about.

You know that gets kind of confusing trying to remember all those thou shalts. Or thou shalt nots.
But then I guess as long as they don't like have a test, I guess that will be okay.


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