Well this the pits when it happens. I mean it normally happens with those things like reserved signs.
I don't know who came up with those, but they sure are the pits. They like take up all the cool spots for some dude named reserved.
Who is this guy anyway? I can't imagine he really needs all those spaces. And you know you never see him in them any of those spots.
Now true, I see these spots mainly at night. You know next to buildings that I am picking up trash.
And it really gets weird when you see like several of these parking spaces in the same lot. I mean does this guy drive some limo?
Honestly, you do got to wonder. At least I do. This just plain makes no sense. Unless the guy has like a whole bunch of cars.
But how many can he drive at one time? Unless they are like relatives. Which would make it a family business.
Only why don't they say junk like reserved for cousin or mother or whoever. Really has to be confusing.
Gee I wonder if they do the same thing at home? Do they have like the same sign back home? A bunch of reserves all over the place.
Man I hope they don't have them in the bathroom. Now that would be really crazy. Nope I don't want to visit there and wait in line for a toilet.
Now I assume this dude is the same one who goes by reservation. Maybe it is his formal name.
And he needs it at restaurants. So I hear them talking about needing a reservation. So perhaps he owns them.
But shoot man he ought to give the rest of us a break. I mean he can't be in all those restaurants at one time.
In any case, I guess maybe I will run into him eventually. Bound to some day. Then I can ask him what the deal is on this reservation stuff.
Hopefully he doesn't like do something weird like try to give me a reservation. Don't think I want to try being adopted just to have a parking space.
Okay maybe dinner, but would have to think about that one.
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