Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Oh yeah, I hear that a lot. Normally from some creep who is trying to weasel out of admitting they did something wrong.

And they really expect me to belief it. Like I can't see they are making the whole thing up.

You sure can bet I don't get thrilled when this happens. I mean all that fibbing can give me a headache.

It might not be so bad if they didn't like do this suddenly. You know there are the ones who like you are aware always do that.

But what I hate are the ones who make it sound like they can be trusted. Oh yeah they do this often.

Just get you all excited that they will be able to you know make it all seem fine and dandy. But then whammo it turns out to be bogus.

Then they have to blame it on somebody else. And who needs that? Which is made worse because they always blame somebody that isn't there.

So even if they are telling the truth you have no way to prove it. So you have to decide if this dude is telling it like it is or fudging the facts again.

Which is not a cool situation. Hopefully it is never over something important. Yeah, I hate when that happens.

You just end up wanting to strangle somebody. And that never quite works out for the best.

I do like to imagine though. Would be so cool if you had that option. Well at least enough to give a person the reason to think about what they did.

Meanwhile, I am like sitting up a system to figure when all our making this stuff up. So of one of those things called a lip-must test.

Haven't got all the details worked out yet. But I sure am having fun thinking about ways to make it happen.

Even going to consider ways of like putting them all in a book. One with a snazzy title. Like stuff it when you get stuff with somebody's crap.

Could be lots of fun to figure ways to make it all happen. But then I can't quite tell Otis when this happens.

He's not quite as cool on this as I am.


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