Saturday, July 05, 2008


Nothing better than this. Oh yeah this is really important. Like the icing on the cake. A special joy that is beyond joy.

You know when you get something you really, really want and then you find out it has some extra goodies with it. Sometimes they are called bonuses.

Oh man if you can get these they are well worth it. Because they sure make the world so much better.

Well they do to me. Oh yeah they are worth it. A special zinger that doesn't hurt. It just gives you a reason to smile.

Now the problem is that you can't control when this happens. Bonuses just don't happen every day.

They are the kinds of things that are like lightning. They sort of happen when you least expect them.

I wish I could change it too. Sort of like pluses. Those are the other types of cool goodies. Yep they make you smile too.

Only problem is finding them. And let me tell you that really is worth working for. And I know I love it.

Which is where I take the time to be sure I can find this any where it is possible. Now one place that really sucks on this is car dealers.

Oh they mention how cars have lots of pluses, but when you get there they don't like give you them unless you buy the stupid car. I mean it sure don't work that way with bonuses.

You sure can hardly do much with pluses if you just want them. Just bugs me how they make it sound like they are doing your favor.

So sooner or later I just like look for the places that don't fib on this pluses or bonus things. Yeah, that is a good thing.

And so far you know I imagine there are more of them around than I can figure. Just don't want anymore of those that talk about them and then expect something else.

Yeah, that is the part I am working on. Really worth the fun when I can find it. Wish they had those at the candy store.

But then I have enough problems with them just giving me discounts. Oh man that is a pain.
Yeah, they won't let that buy one get one free deal work for me like they say at some places. But maybe some day.


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