Friday, June 27, 2008


This is so funny to me. I mean they act like this is different from going to a theater. Which can't understand seeing how they both show the same movies.

But the opened up this new theater in town and called it a cinema. So we went over to check it out.

About the only big difference is they had fancy uniforms. Didn't improve the snacks or movie though.

Which I guess is no big deal. Guess they sort of took pride in the fact that they also had this one screen for showing some kind of art film.

I got no idea who this art was, but I wish he spoke English. I went in to check it out and they were speaking some foreign language.

Like that made it easier for me to understand. I did stay to watch it for a bit. Never did figure it out though.

Glad I didn't pay extra to see that movie. And no amount of snacks was going to make it any better

That is part of how I rate movies anywhere. I mean if I can wolf down a whole box of popcorn and not remember it.

Now that is real entertainment! But let me tell you that sure didn't happen with that moment.

I suppose if I was in the mood for a nap that would be a good thing. But then I sure wouldn't care to pay for it.

You know there have been a few times that after like ten boxes of candy I have sort of nodded off in a movie. But that was because I was tired and didn't appreciate it.

At least that is way I view it. After Otis explaining it to me. And I guess he did that because he has done it too.

Always nice to have him make everything reasonable and all. Which sure helps when I like a little confused over such things.

Now the fun part is that at least we will be only going to the regular theater from now on. I mean taking a nap after eating candy is a lot more fun that from watching a boring movie.

But then I've learned to make sure they speak English or have subtitles. The kind that you can actually read too, not like when the projectionist goof up and made them al blurry.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: "If money grew on trees would it mean bank would keep leafs instead of money in vault?"


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