Tuesday, June 17, 2008


These are a good thing when you have say holes in your pants. They are still good, but you don't want a draft.

So Otis normally gets these iron on deals and that makes stuff like my overalls extra cool. Sometimes he even gets a patch the same color as the overalls, which is even better.

All of which makes life have a little extra smile. Just knowing I don't have to give up my favorite over alls is something very special.

Now all of that makes sense. A simple little aid that keeps one you love to wear from the trash bin.

What I don't get is this talk about patches for smokers. Do these like go on something such as cigarettes?

That doesn't make any sense. I mean all you are going to do is burn the thing up anyway, so what is the point?

Well in my opinion you got to be strange to love smoking anyway. So maybe you put the patch over your eyes.

Then you know you don't have to look at the crazy things. Still will smell them. Unless you put the patch on your nose.

Sure seems like a lot of trouble for some cigarette. But I guess it means a lot to the smoker types.

Well as long as it isn't some patch they try to get others to wear so you won't notice they are smoking. Yeah, I would fall for that one.

Guess for now, I don't have to worry. Because I don't go near smokes anyway. Not unless I have no choice.

And sometimes that is kind of important. Well you know if you are dealing with somebody who isn't happy unless they are sharing.

Yeah like I need that kind of help. And as far as I am concern I will pass. They can hold on the patches out to me they want, I ain't taking them.

Hmmm, wonder if these smokers ever get confused and end up using a regular patch as one for smoking? Wow, that could be painful.

Guess I will let them worry about that. Only no time any soon. Because I plan on making sure they don't get my patches.

Yep, no way that is going to happen.


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