Sunday, June 08, 2008


Oh man this is one of those weird subjects. I heard about it this over at the theater. Normally don't news there, but did this time.

Now as far as I can figure there are these things floating around in the ocean that love to sneak around an attack boats. Can you believe the nerve?

And if we now they are out there how come we don't like teach them a lesson? I mean we ought to beat them up or something.

What I want to know is why are they even there? Who thought this was a good idea? I sure didn't.

But then I don't go out on boats as a rule. Oh took a ride in one over on this lake once. Didn't see any ice bergs or even sharks, which was cool.

Hey, maybe that is it. Them sharks sound like the kind of jerks who would come up with these ice bergs.

Yeah, I bet that is it. Them sharks have some kind of like ice machine and they set it on high and let it keep running till it makes this huge ice berg thing.

Well I think those sharks should get in trouble for this. I mean that is just down right awful.

And we need to figure a way to stop it. Maybe toss all those sharks into an aquarium until the learn to behave.

Not really clear on how they managed to get electricity way out in the middle of the ocean. Must have cost a fortune it extension cords.

And man what about the costs? Never though of sharks as rich. Guess when they are biting people they are like stealing their wallets.

Boy the more that I think about this the more it sounds terrible. First you got those darn sharks causing trouble.

Then they make these ice bergs and stealing people's wallets while biting them in the butt to pay for it. I wonder if they work for lawyers?

Well Otis calls them sharks so I reckon you never know. But I sure ain't ready to go on some boat to find out.

Nope I will stay where I am and make sure them sharks don't come near my wallet. Hope they don't have a thing for jelly beans.

Don't want to think about that one!


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