Friday, June 06, 2008


This is one of things I heard on television. You know as in when they were talking about way back some time ago when they used to land on the moon.

Now I really don't see what the big deal is. I mean the moon is supposedly made out of green cheese so it ought to be soft.

But it was important enough for them to mention on the dang news. Like was some secret they needed to tell us about.

Well I think they ought to give us more credit for knowing things like that. Yeah, I mean really, do they have to make it sound like we are stupid.

I think it would have made more sense to you know talk about where the green cheese came from in the first place? I mean nobody mentions out it got there.

Nor if we want all the way up there did we bring some back? You would sort of figured that would have made sense too.

Hard to imagine though that green cheese would taste much different than regular cheese. But without have some how we gonna know for sure?

And then what if it is like some kind of super cheese? You know put there by aliens and it has super powers?

Well I bet you can be sure the dang government ain't going to share. Nope, not if they don't have too.

I just wish they wouldn't like make it worse with this soft landings thing. Sort of like they are wanted to flaunt in front of our face.

Do we really need that? Personally, I don't think so. Unless it is like some kind of creamed cheese that is avocado flavored.

Now that would be cool. But what can I say, they aren't exactly working to hard and giving us a break.

Course I'm not one to like ignore important stuff like this if I can get information. Now what I did was figured I would try calling up NASA to ask about this.

Only I didn't have their number. So figured I would do the next best thing and call up the local planetarium. They are experts on stars and all.

Guess they were part of the conspiracy or something. I mean they refused to even admit about the green cheese.

So guess this is a bigger problem that I first thought. Sounds like I will have to do more checking. Maybe call the Air Force. Don't have their number either, but know a guy who works at an airport. So will start with him.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: "What is with time warps? Did it get left out in the rain?"


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