Wednesday, June 04, 2008


Now to me these things are a rip off. I mean shouldn't a person be able to get a decent answer from these things?

I think this is somebody's idea of a sick joke. It is kind of funny I guess. You know to have this little box you think will crank out all kinds of answers and it doesn't do a think.

Why the one that I saw, you pressed this button and then you told it your questioned. Then when you let got of the stupid button it just ends up telling you what you just said.

Worst of all it has the nerve to say it in your voice! Talk about insulting. That was no answer.

And then darn it all these things till you to leave a message after the beep. What am I some kind of horn now?

Oh I left a message alright, but it was not a nice one. The word stupid and lame figured in there somewhere.

I did put it as a question, but it never did answer that one either. I tell you these things really suck.

What I want to know is how come people even like them. I have enough crap at home that don't do what it is suppose to do.

Who needs another one? Ain't it bad enough to have something like a can opener that don't open all cans?

You try opening a stupid pop can with that can opener. Man what a mess it creates. And it don't mention it that way on the box.

It doesn't say a dang word about not using it on pop cans. They are cans right? But not according to the stupid can opener company.

Boy did I tell them a mouthful on that one. Like it did any good. They had the nerve to dare and tell me that you didn't need a can opener to open a pop can.

Can you believe they told me to flip that little tab thing? Man was that stupid. Trying to convince me that tab thing worked like a can opener.

Heck it don't work the same to me. It opens this little hole and doesn't even make a can opener humming sound.

So they didn't fool me with that one. Boy they sure tried. Oh well if I get desperate I can open a pop can different ways.
Like using my bat. Is kind of messy though.


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