Sunday, May 25, 2008


We got these crazy guys over at STINK how work in the weapons lab. They are always trying to improve on our stuff.

And I guess that is a good thing. I might believe it more if that meant they really did come up with good junk.

So far none have improved on my bat. I haven't gotten a single offer to make it better. And let me tell you I find that really important.

Now the other day they decided we needed to have disguises so we could work as spies i the toilet. You know because griminals hang out there at times

Some dude came up with making a costume that looked like a toilet. Which wasn't half as bad as expecting us to wear the thing.

Some how they seemed to forget the idea that we also needed to not get crapped on. Yeah, that is not a good thing to forget.

Heck I would even mind them you know coming up with these ideas if they tested them on themselves. I could live with that.

But no, they keep acting like it is our responsibility. And let me tell you that sure ain't cool.

Maybe you like the idea of having some big dude sit on your face and pass the gas, but it sure didn't make my list. No one else thought so either.

But that is when the decided to be fair and make us draw straws to see who you know got stuck being the volunteer. Yep, that was fun.]

Okay it was kind of unfair. I mean I am not a very good artist. So I sure didn't make a very good picture of a straw.

I sure tried though. I thought I did a decent job. But you know they didn't look at it that way.

Oh well I still feel I got the raw deal on that one. I mean there I was you know turning in my drawing and they all looked at me funny.

I sure didn't see anybody else doing drawings. And so I figured mind ought to have won. Did kind of seem strange.

I mean I was never clear if winning meant you got stuck with wearing the costume. Oh well at least they forgot the whole thing later.

Glad for that. Sure didn't want to be in the middle of toilet face fears.


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