Wednesday, May 21, 2008


This ain't hard to figure out. You got money and are going crazy spending it so you got a reason to love it.

Just not really clear on how come these rich dudes don't seem all that happy at times. You would think they could like buy themselves a plastic surgeon smile to fake it at least.

Well that was just a thought. Seems like it ought to be okay. Just you know find dude to glue your face.

Still I reckon you know if they hate it so much I could figure a way to help. You know this thing I heard about called sharing the wealth.

Yeah as I understand it this is good thing. I heard it was started by some guy name Robin Should.

He had this band of berry men. Guess it was musicians who played fruit of some kind. Sure sounds weird.

Anyway they went around taking from a switch and giving it to the bore. Which I reckon meant you know they found some place where money was being switched around to something else.

So they decided to like take it and give it to some guy who was a bore. Didn't say if that turned out for the good.

Like did he stop being boring? Sure wish you know that people who were boring could stop being so if you used some switch made out of money on them.

If that is all it takes oh man it would be so cool to take care of a lot of boring people that way. Not sure if it would really be enough.

But I figure that would be worth a try. Then we can find out if we can make all the boring people less boring.

I think it would be so cool that way. Well I sure want to give it a try. All I need is to do is get a few rich people to help out.

Heck I bet they would be thrilled to have a break from boring people. Now if the rich person is boring guess that is a different problem.

I think I can fix that though. Just a little extra effort. I know we make them poor first. Then we give them money again.

Gee I think the government sort of does that already. I wonder if they need to work on there program to help more boring people. Otis says that would include them though.


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