Tuesday, May 20, 2008



Man how can you be both of these at the same time? Well I don't think you can. But then I guess some thing otherwise.

There is the place in town called a theater. Only they never show any movies. And don't even have decent snacks.

They put on these things called plays. And they are written by some dude named Shakearear. Or something like that.

He sure writes some weird stuff. Like this one thing called Omelet. Shoot I didn't see them fry a single egg during the whole movie.

What a rip off. I mean if you are going to do play about eggs then toss a few. Or throw in some chicken.

But did I see as much as a single feather? Nope. Then didn't even dress cool. Wore some strange tight clothes.

Heck man that really was so dang hard to figure out. Why all that funny talking. Not a single dang in the whole program.

But I am going to go back for the next show. That one might get better. Here it has to some thing to do with a hero sandwich.

Called Rome's hero that Julie et. Now I hope they don't make us watch them gobble down that sandwich and not share.

That would not be worth paying for. I would get down right pissed to pay for that kind of stuff.

Really is weird what some have for idea of entertainment. Yeah when there ain't any good food even worse.

So why this is consider good is beyond me. But I know if that doesn't change I ain't going to any more of those things.

They can keep them as far as I am concerned. But that is okay I guess some people need weird.

In any case what happen is that they had this happy and sad faces on the building. Just didn't not it was going to do with food.

Next time maybe I will try to ask. Or check out the food before I get there. Which is the best choice.
Well if you want to eat at least.


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