Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Well I think the be part is pretty dang important. Yeah, yeah, without knowing the be part life can really suck.

Only problem is when nobody knows the be part. Really that can be even worse. Which does seem to happen a lot.

Now how hard is this to figure out? Just a chance to feel so much comfy with this whole be thing.

In any event, I always to say that as if it really makes a difference. Haven't noticed it does, but sounds good to say.

What we are talking about here is the be part of stuff. As in being or become come. You can't have the other part without it.

Now to get this all straightened out we need to start a be inventory. Yeah, them inventory things are important.

Just have to be sure we got it all figured out right. Which means no crazy junk. I'm talking about things that don't make sense.

Well, I reckon to start off with we need to get rid of the people who talk funny. I mean like using big words so they confuse you.

They sure need help. If you are talking about something simple, don't mess it up. Nope that won't work.

Those kinds of people are strange. They make you feel creepy. Like they might freak out at any moment.

Well you know how it is with them brainy types. They start out all normal and then get like brain rot.

That is what I call it. Can't think of a better way to describe when a person starts talking about strange stuff.

Yeah, like mathematics. You got to wonder about numbers. I mean they just some times seem to be more like people.

Yeah, I think so. They are there and should just behave themselves. But you put them in a checkbook and it is different.

They suddenly like act strange. Start adding up weird. I mean trying to say when you can spend money.
Well seems like that when I try to write checks and bank says there ain't money in the account. Somebody took it! But they just say it was my fault, which makes me wonder.


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