Thursday, May 08, 2008


Is there a trick to this? What else do eyes do beside see? Unless maybe you are talking about people looking somebody's eyes.

Yeah a dude with a black eye will get attention. But I'm not sure I see that as a good thing.

That is you might if you gave the other person a black eye and wanted to boast about it. Might be cool then.

As for an eye seeing all. Not sure all what it is to see. Like down the block perhaps? Not able to figure that part.

I know lots of people who definitely don't see all the great. They use glasses. And they sure don't see all.

I guess then maybe there are people perhaps with super vision. Yeah, like Superman. Boy I guess seeing through walls might be fun.

Providing you aren't talking about there being some moron inside doing weird junk. You know the kind of stuff that you don't want to see.

Such as doing the laundry. It is important, but I don't want to see anybody's dirty underwear.

I got enough problems just looking at all those dirty diapers we hall in the diaper service vans. Man I sure don't need to see all with them.

And while I'm at it there are a few other things I don't need to see more of. Like sewers. Just having to check them out once and a while is enough.

Same goes for trash. Don't need that extra sight then either. Man I see enough of it too. Being to see it all would just be depressing.

I can kind of see some merit for being able to check to see if people are wearing clean underwear. You know it is important.

Well that is I heard. I sure hope that we could like work on that problem though. Not sure I want to go up to some big gorilla of a guy and tell him he's not wearing clean jockey shorts..

Oh yeah, that wouldn't be good to me. And I'm glad we don't have that as a job over at STINK.

Then might be nice to find old rat boy, Jurnior's secret stash of cheese. That way I could get rid of it. Might be fun to see him panic more often.


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