Friday, May 02, 2008


Come on you know this is a good idea. Stop hogging stuff. Yeah, you know who you are. Just give us a break will you?

I don't think that is too much to ask is it? Just expect some jerk to not act like some pig and keep all the good stuff for himself.

Yeah, I really get tired of dealing with people like that. And you know if it were up to me I would make sure they didn't do it again.

But then you first have to find them. And that can be tough. There are a lot of sneaky people around.

Boy is that a chore. I mean these dang creeps really do seem to pull this stuff off without a single once getting caught.

Now take over at work for example. On some days they pick up the tab for donuts. And they always get enough for all of us.

Well most of the time they say they do. Only there are times we get into the break room and they are all gone.

Now I don't want to be unfair to anyone, but this sure does suck. Some rotten creep done took extra.

And nobody admits to it. I ask and they don't say a word. Well not until they swallow. Which really bugs me.

In any case, I try to be sure next time I get there early. Yeah that really is a big deal. A chance to get a break before the others get all the good stuff.

Now I do admit that at times you know it gets the best of me. I mean we will get there early and decide to just have a donut.

But well one thing leads to another and before you know it, whammo we done ate up a whole bunch of them. Just not all.

Still a few seem to think you know it was too much. Still we do try to help out at times so not to do that constantly.

At least they ought to be grateful. I mean the Reverend Analbe could be dropping for some prayer meeting.

I mean seeing how he talks to God and all, I can't say he eats all the donuts, but he sure does a good job on them in hi own way.

We just make sure we grab one while he is praying with his eyes closed.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: If cars were made of banana skins would they repair easier?"


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