Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Oh boy this is such a cool idea. Some place where it is wonderful all the time. A nice area to hang out and enjoy life.

And I sure would like to find this place. I'm sure it is out there. Just have to know where to look.

Haven't found it so far. But so far I have figured some places not to look. That is the important part.

Because the more places you can know not to look means the more places you don't have to worry about when you want to find the good stuff. Just have less places to look.

And that is okay. I mean it sure does make life easier when you can not worry about some places.

See the problem is that you have to be sure you make a list of the no-no places. Oh yeah that really is a big value.

Well the thing is so far, I sure got a big list started too. Haven't found the one place for the wonderful zone yet though. But sure am finding lots of places that don't fit.

In any case I am doing my best to keep finding the good ones. Yep, that is the part that I will keep looking for.

I have a feeling that it is easy to find once I know where to look for sure. I bet it is out there where I can enjoy once I find it.

Now I've figured that this is a matter of just sorting through what I want to you know take seriously. Like I will be able to you know take that as the thought were I ought to start.

So you know that means asking the question, if I was a wonderful zone, where would I be? I think we need to figure that part out.

I reckon it is some place cool. So that rules out places like doctor's offices and places where creeps hang out.

So that means I got one part of the place ruled out. No creeps covers a lot of things. So this leaves me other choices.

Now what makes a thing wonderful is that it makes you happy. Stuff that makes you unhappy would not be wonderful.

Oh well I will be thrilled to keep thinking till I figure the part out too. Just a matter of time.
Yep, they can't keep the wonderful from me forever.


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